Christmas Vigil with St.Francis of Assisi
The story of Greccio and 13 Christmas carols
1. Angels We Have Heard
2. Dominus Dixit (Introit for Christmas midnight Mass)
3. What Child is This?
4. 0 Little Town of Bethlehem
5. Away in a Manger
6. Silent Night
7. 0 Come All Ye Faithful
8. 0 Holy Night
9. Hark the Herald Angels Sing
10. Jesu Dulcis
11. Joy to the World
12. Resonet in Laudibus
13. We Three Kings
In the fullness of time Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, assumed our frail human nature and became also the Son of Mary, the "Son of Man." This manifestation of the immense love of God for man is commemorated every year at Christmas where Christians recall the birth of the Infant Jesus in a poor stable at Bethlehem.
In a creative effort to bring home this Gospel message, the Seraphic Father St. Francis of Assisi obtained the Pope's approval and conducted a nativity scene at the foot of the altar on Christmas Eve, 1223, in Greccio, Italy. On this Holy Night Christ came... He came Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in His real, eucharistic presence on the altar and entered the hearts of the faithful who received Him worthily. Yet, what is more, the Infant Jesus appeared in the Saint's arms as he knelt before the manger. This historic event gave impetus to the increased popularity throughout the world of portraying the nativity scene at Christmastide.
May the songs and story help us, not only to keep Christ in Christmas, but to go to Bethlehem in spirit and bend our knees in reverent adoration before our God and King, Jesus Christ.