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Through the Heart of Mary to the Heart of Jesus

Original price $55.00
Original price $55.00 - Original price $660.00
Original price $55.00
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$55.00 - $660.00
Current price $55.00
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This masterpiece traces the historical development of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in relation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and explains its theological foundations. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are united by a “definitive covenant or alliance,” as St. John Paul II taught. By God’s design, the only way to the Heart of Jesus is through the Heart of Mary. While devotion to His Heart is “a summary of all our religion” (Pius XI), devotion to her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart sums up all Marian doctrine and devotion. Consequently, devotion to the Two Hearts is not optional, but necessary, and so this book’s topic concerns us all.

Father Campbell’s painstaking research has produced a volume of over 1000 pages, some 700 of which is a survey of the development of this devotion so extensive that it will likely remain unsurpassed for many years. He begins with anthropological foundations, Scripture, and the Church Fathers. Then comes the medieval development of the devotion, which is slow at first, but from the thirteenth century abundant enough to merit a chapter for each century. Doctrine and devotion developed in vital synergy. Devotion to the Immaculate Heart flowered in the seventeenth century, thanks to Saint Francis de Sales, the French School, numerous Jesuits, and other authors, not to mention mystics such as Ven. Mary of Agreda. Saint John Eudes and Saint Margaret Mary merit a chapter apart. Like a mighty river, the devotion broadened and deepened over the following centuries and increasingly found expression in the Magisterium and the liturgy, as well as in the foundation of religious congregations. The years after Vatican II saw a general decline in devotions that St. Paul VI was unable to stem. The recovery began during the pontificate of St. John Paul II, whose two successors also spoke of the devotion.

This survey is not just something future students of this topic will be unable to overlook. It can also serve as a ready reference for those who wish to reflect more deeply on the mysteries symbolized in the Heart of Jesus and the Heart of Mary. Everyone will find something new, and most will find much they were unaware of. By going to the original sources, Father Campbell has given the ordinary reader access to information he would be unable to access on his own.

Although it is but a small part of the vast survey, the message of Fatima receives special attention because it continues to be the most important heavenly message for our times. Father Campbell explains how the triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart will usher in the definitive reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In an appendix, he deals with the controversial questions of whether Russia was properly consecrated and whether the “third secret” has been fully revealed, as well as Fatima’s ongoing relevance.

Father Campbell’s theological synthesis is complete in three chapters. He begins from the notion of devotion in general to explain devotion to the Immaculate Heart in terms of analogy to devotion to the Sacred Heart. Then he considers the theological significance of the liturgical texts as a living and authoritative expression of the sensus fidei. Finally, he studies consecration and reparation to the Heart of Jesus through the Heart of Mary as the two most perfect forms of devotion to their Hearts.

Unique features

  • Discusses Marian Heart doctrine and devotion in relation to Marian dogmas: Mary’s divine motherhood, her Immaculate Conception, her Virginity, her Assumption; and in relation to her other titles and privileges: as Co-redemptrix or Associate with Christ in the work of Redemption, as Mediatrix of all grace, and as our Advocate.
  • Includes an index of artistic images of the Heart of Mary, the Heart of Jesus, and the Two Hearts that appear in the work, as well as indices of hymns, poetry, and prayers throughout the centuries.
  • An extensive and well-organized bibliography of 103 pages shows the thoroughness of the author’s research and offers avenues for further study.

International praise

“Father Dwight Campbell’s [book] … illustrates so compellingly that the way to the union of our hearts with the glorious Heart of Jesus is through the Immaculate of Mary. It is my hope that many will read [it] and thus come, through the intercession and by the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary, to an ever purer and more selfless love of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

—Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke
Archbishop Emeritus of Saint Louis,
former Prefect, Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura

“The author has produced a marvelous study on how the Holy Spirit has continued to draw out the fundamental truths about the Mother of God in the Scriptures as they have been read, meditated on and understood in the Church by its pastors, teachers, saints and mystics.”

—Monsignor Arthur B. Calkins
author of Totus Tuus: John Paul II’s Program of Marian Consecration and Entrustment,
as well as many articles on the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

“Father Campbell offers an excellent study about the development and the theological foundations of devotion to the Heart of Mary in its relation to the Heart of Jesus.”

—Rev. Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauke
University of Lugano, Switzerland

“This much-needed study convincingly shows that ardent devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary leads us to the center of the divine person Jesus Christ. This work is most suitable both for scholarly consultation and deepening one’s spiritual life.”

—Father Emery de Gaál, Ph.D.
Professor of Dogmatic Theology, University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein,
Member of the Pontifical Marian Academy

“[This book] is a monumental achievement. … [It] is not just a history but also a profound spiritual reflection on the intimate union of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.”

—Robert Fastiggi, Ph.D.
Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit, MI


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